The First Three Visions Of Ellen G White

During the period between 1844 and 1863, Ellen G White experienced some 100 to 200 visions. They happened mostly in meeting halls and public places. The very first vision she experienced was after the disappointment of William Miller’s prophecy not coming true. 

She had stated that the vision, which led to her writing The Great Controversy happened at a funeral service. It was held on a Sunday afternoon in Ohio in the month of March 1858. The vision showed her the conflict between Jesus Christ, His angels, and Satan which was going on for ages. In the vision, the angels of Jesus Christ were given to Mrs White.

The first vision

During a prayer meeting held at the home of Mrs Haines in Maine, USA, she experienced her first vision. It happened in the year 1844 in the month of December. She bowed around the family altar along with the other four females. While she was praying, she felt a power of God she had never experienced before. She felt completely wrapped in the vision of the Lord’s glory and seemed to be rising higher from the earth. 

Mrs White was shown the travels of the Adventist people to the Holy City. They were shown as treading a path that was at a greater height and dangerous. All of them were moving towards the city of New Jerusalem. Their path was illuminated from behind by a bright light. An angel told her that it was the midnight cry. While travelling, some of the travellers were tired but were encouraged by Jesus Christ. 

Those who denied the light fell off the path into a wicked and dark world. The vision then showed Jesus Christ’s second coming and the Adventist people entering the Holy City. It ended with Mrs White returning to the earth. She was feeling lonely and desperate to go to the world that she had seen in the vision.  

The next two visions

She experienced her next vision in the Exeter town of Maine, USA. This happened in the month of February 1845. It came to be known as the ‘Bridegroom’ vision. Her third vision was about the new earth. These visions provided a continued meaning to the vision she had experienced in October 1844. 

They also supported the development of the rationale of the sanctuary. Her visions also countered the views of several spiritual fanatics. All her visions portrayed the Father and Jesus Christ as literal beings. They had also portrayed heaven as a physical place. 


Ellen G White had feared that her testimony won’t be accepted by the public. A meeting was held at the home of her parents, in which, she received a confirmation of her ministry. While praying, she was enveloped by thick darkness. All of a sudden, a bright light came towards her and took away her strength. 

Then she found herself in the presence of Jesus Christ and His angels. She was ordered by Jesus Christ to make known to others what He had revealed to her. Later Mrs White began giving her testimony in public meetings. However, some of them were given in private homes during the regular Methodist class meetings.

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